Test simulator with network development software tool

As the development of automotive ECUs and components becomes increasingly diverse and complex, the use of automated test simulators such as HILS (hardware-in-the-loop simulation) are essential to ensure stability. With experience and expertise in the field of vehicle networking, HanilProTech offers customer-specific test equipment (HILS and SILS) using our vehicle networking development tool, CANlink.

CANlink is a software tool that can be used in all processes of design, development, and testing the networks and individual ECUs. With CANlink you can use five key functions: analysis, simulation, diagnosis, calibration, and testing. HanilProTech offers CANlink at a reasonable price by applying domestic technology. The newly released CANlink 7.0 includes XCP on Ethernet, SOME/IP and DoIP.

Visit HanilProTech in Seoul to find the vehicle networking-related product or solution you need.

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